M. Sc. in Botany
The M.Sc. program is of four semesters, each of six months duration with final examination at the end of each semester. The Department enrolls 35 students in the first semester. Students with B.Sc. Botany or equivalent degrees from recognized universities can apply for admission, which is based on entrance examination (100%). The Department has already produced about 2500 M.Sc. botany graduates. The two-year M.Sc. course encompasses both coursework and research. Every student has to write dissertation in the fourth semester.
Course Outline:
M.Sc. Botany encompasses both coursework and research (in the form of dissertation). The first and second semesters involve mainly coursework (both theory), laboratory work (practical) and basic field work. The third semester involves a component of research methodology, and dissertation proposal writing and seminar presentation for the preliminary research ( 3 ) preparation in addition to the special coursework (both theory, and lab and field work). The fourth semester is entirely devoted to dissertation work. In the fourth semester, students will have the opportunity to contribute to existing fields of research. The complete course accounts for 62 credit hours and 1550 aggregate marks.
Semester I (Credit hrs.17, FM 425; Theory + Practical)
The courses include: Diversity and Evolution of
- Microbes and Fungi,
- Non-vascular Plants (Algae and Bryophytes),
- Vascular Plants I (Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms); and
- Vascular Plants II (Angiosperms). In addition, a course on Field Work and Seminar is offered to each student to learn techniques of specimen collection, preservation and curation.
Semester II (Credit hrs 19, FM 475: Theory + Practical)
The courses include:
- Ecology,
- Cytology and Genetics,
- Plant Physiology,
- Plant Systematics, and
- A course on Field Work where the students learn about techniques of ecological sampling, vegetation and floristic study and giving seminar presentation.
Semester III (Credit hrs 18, FM 450: Theory + Practical)
Three categories of courses are offered in this semester: compulsory, special and applied. The compulsory course include
- Research Methodology and Biological Data Analysis (theory and lab work), and
- Dissertation Proposal and Seminar; both are mandatory for each student.
There are four special papers each including two courses. Students have the choice of selecting any one of the special paper out of four:
- Ecology (functional plant ecology, and landscape and global change ecology);
- Plant Systematics (applied systematics, and biodiversity and biogeography);
- Plant Biotechnology and genetic engineering (plant biotechnology, genetic engineering); and
- Applied Mycology and Plant Pathology (applied mycology and advanced plant pathology).
The applied paper includes four courses of which student will have a choice of selecting any one out of four:
- Natural Resources Management,
- Plant Conservation Biology,
- Molecular Biology in Plant Science, and
- Food Security and Food Safety.
Semester IV (Credit hrs 8, FM 200: Theory + Practical)
The courses include
- case study/seminar and dissertation work
There shall be at least one botanical excursion for I and II semesters. It pertains to different botanical regions of the country. Botanical excursion is highly essential for studying the vegetation in its natural state and flora. The students submit their excursion reports during the annual practical examination.